In southern Africa , Sushi already has a rabid fan. Japanese food has even become addictive for some businessman and socialite circles in South Africa via the method of presentation Nyotaimori.
Many diagnostic But the last day, eat sushi tradition is quite popular in Japan was mired in controversy in South Africa. Various party serving sushi nyotaimori local media spotlight. In fact, sparked protests from religious leaders and senior ruling party, African National Congress (ANC).
"This culinary practices not in line with the vision and mission of the ANC and antirevolusi. This action is clearly not sensitive and undermine the integrity of women," said Secretary General of the ANC, Gwede Mantashe, as quoted by the Telegraph pages.
Earlier this week, a daily newspaper in Johannesburg, includes news about a politician who attended the ANC nyotaimori sushi party last weekend. "This is slander. Members of the ANC has never gone to a club night or partying like that," said Mantashe.
(Maaf) izin mengamankan PERTAMAX dulu. Boleh, kan?!
BalasHapuscuman mau >>Numpang dikit:
Saya sih gak rela, kalau sobat??!!
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that's great menu But i never think that
BalasHapusi will go to there
oh aneh-aneh saja ya...
BalasHapusmantap bhooo infonya
BalasHapusAda ada saja!
BalasHapusbuset dah.. kacau.. :D
BalasHapuswahaha apa ituuu
BalasHapuswahhhhhh membuat berfantasi
BalasHapushmmm pikiranku jadi tak terkendali!
BalasHapusThat's rediculous!
BalasHapussemakin mantabs bang blognya
BalasHapusmaaf lama tidak berkunjung disini
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