Coverage of Krisdayanti and Raul Lemos intensified lately. One more sign of marriage Krisdayanti (KD) and Raul Lemos closer.
Wednesday (16 / 2) yesterday, the couple's widow, widower, acting on pre wedding photo shoot at Cafe Batavia is located at the Great Gate Main Road 14 (Future Museum Fatahillah) West Jakarta.
Evidence of the shooting covered from the press, is a photo uploaded on the official facebook account Cafe Batavia.
On the wall facebook account was written "Pre Wedding Krisdayanti and Raul today 16 Feb'11" along with a thumbnail photo KD and Raul are carrying out the shooting on the steps of the cafe.
If a thumbnail is clicked, only one pic from a distance that indicates the shooting scene KD-Raul.

As will be asked for his comments about the image, after filling the event found Strikes RCTI, on Thursday (17 / 2) afternoon, the younger brother Yuni Sara did not want to serve questions about marriage.
I do not want to talk about marriage," KD said while the road in a hurry.
Wednesday (16 / 2) yesterday, the couple's widow, widower, acting on pre wedding photo shoot at Cafe Batavia is located at the Great Gate Main Road 14 (Future Museum Fatahillah) West Jakarta.
Evidence of the shooting covered from the press, is a photo uploaded on the official facebook account Cafe Batavia.
On the wall facebook account was written "Pre Wedding Krisdayanti and Raul today 16 Feb'11" along with a thumbnail photo KD and Raul are carrying out the shooting on the steps of the cafe.
If a thumbnail is clicked, only one pic from a distance that indicates the shooting scene KD-Raul.

As will be asked for his comments about the image, after filling the event found Strikes RCTI, on Thursday (17 / 2) afternoon, the younger brother Yuni Sara did not want to serve questions about marriage.
I do not want to talk about marriage," KD said while the road in a hurry.
BalasHapussaid KD as she went along in a hurry
BalasHapusjadi pengen cepet nikah nich
BalasHapusduh sekarang harus belajar bahasa inggris disini !!
BalasHapussalut bang, tambah mantab blognya
Yah, putus sudah harapanku, si dia mau menikah, hihihi....
BalasHapusada pre wedding, wedding, pasca wedding, trus jangan-jangan ada pre divorce, divorce... aneh-aneh saja selebriti jaman sekarang...
BalasHapusmantap bener deh ni pasangan
BalasHapusKD dont have to do that to her ex husband..
BalasHapusSaya harap mereka langgeng nggak kayak perkawinan pertama lagi
BalasHapusgreat couple I hope they will be happy ever after
BalasHapusDuuuh raul ramos mau ikah aku patah hati dech heuheu...
BalasHapusorang tua juga pake foto pre wedding di ??????heheh
BalasHapussemoga pernikahan KD dan Rauk bisa langgeng
BalasHapussaya harap pernikahan KD berjalan dengan lancar
BalasHapusbiasa aja ngeliatnyah bang.. kan dia ga kenal aku, jadi.. ga terlalu sensasi .. hehehhe
BalasHapussalam buat yang punya blog aja
wew wew